Monday, May 30, 2011

Schools out!

 A little outing to Santa Fe is a great way to kick off your summer. Mina had just finished her last day of classes & Greg (who works in Santa Fe) had middle school graduations to attended. We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show off the new 9 month old son to Greg's co-workers, so we headed out to SF!
When we arrived we had a slight mistake of misplaced fingers (Mina's) and a trunk door slam. Don't worry, not broken just bruised. (Man you'd be surprised how many parents shut car doors on their children's fingers, cause everyone had a story or two). :( Mina survived and got a cool ice pack and a school tee shirt out of it! After the graduation we had a quick lunch and some frozen yogurt.... yummmm! Robby LOVES yogurt and is CRAZY about it soft served cold! Santa Fe was fun and everyone loved meeting and seeing the family. I love seeing Greg with his students. You can tell they consider him an awesome teacher....I keep hearing the same thing from the students and their parents "he makes learning about geometry, zombie survival, and Elvis conspiracies fun!
This was such a fun way to start of the summer. Excited to see what other shenanigans the Mays family can get into this summer!
Mina still a little sad about her fingers :(

This just goes to show you the bottom lockers are only good for 9month old babies. 
Pappa & Robbs

Nom nom!

Sultry yogurt baby face!....such a heart breaker. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Times of relaxing and Celebrating!

This is bad but I can't really say we spend crazy amounts of time outside. Of course I don't keep the kids locked up all day (unless the desert decides to spew disgusting amounts of hot sand all over every inch of your body).
For the most part spending time out side as a family is rarer then I would like it to be. So when the opportunity arrives I relish it. Greg decided to put some chicken on the grill and have ourselves a BBQ. While Greg wrestled with the grill and that tin-can-thing-coal-heating-majig. The kids and I kicked it on the grass with our bare feet and a soft Mexican blanket. It didn't take long to get Robby to realize momma just wasn't gonna let him crawl over to the rose bush and play with the bright red wood chips, so after a while he gave in and enjoyed just being outside; long enough for me to even take a couple of pics.
The evening was fabulous and Robby went down for his evening nap just in time for Greg, Mina and I to sit down on the porch and enjoy our BBQ.....even if the BBQ sauce we purchased at whole foods tasted like dirty burnt tomato paste, we still greatly enjoyed the night.

Mina & Robby

Someone asked us recently when meeting Robby "Does he always smile like that"?... Yes he does!!

Mina- "Take this picture mom....I'm being eaten by the bush"!!

Later in the week I made some cupcakes for my dear friend who was earlier in the month (and not saying this lightly at all) battling for her own life in the ICU. With an AMAZING recovery she was released from the hospital put in a rehabilitation hospital and released from there with "flying colors & stunned doctors!" In honor of her health and healing we made her a celebration fiesta with margaritas, tacos and lemon cupcakes! 
<<Side note: I'm loving all things yellow right now and took the presentation of the yellow lemon cupcakes very seriously.>>
 That night was so great getting to hear her laugh and seeing her in great spirits again.  I'll never forget that night. 

Birthday pedestal came in handy!

What a coincidence my nails match the dessert! haha

Monday, May 23, 2011

Meatless Monday!

I'm crazy about all things Asian. And there art of food has me mesmerized. I try to pick up a little here and there and Im sure nothing I do is too, authentic but I'm trying!

Here is my little spin on a easy Asian meatless meal.

Thanks to my LPO box I'm love'n Bok Choy!
oyster mushrooms (my favorite fungi).

Noodle stir-fry with oyster mushrooms and bok choy. 

Veggie steamed buns: You can get these at a good international market . Super easy to make just steam in microwave!

And don't forget the sauce of all sauces. Perfect with EVERYTHING. 
Enjoy your Meatless Mondays!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Why you leave me"??.......

Mina is camping right now with her school. This will be her second camping trip with her classmates and you think I would be better prepared for it.  After I dropped her off at school I sat in the car and asked my self with a heavy heart.........
When did I start forcing those long drawn out hugs from a little girl eager to go be with her friends? When did those car rides to school turn into...."And don't forget to always stay close to a teacher"? and "Please don't forget to eat and drink lots of water" And My favorite: "I know you would LOVE to sleep on the top bunk but "I"would be SO HAPPY if you didn't....Mmmk"? By the way I slept on the top bunk when I was 4 and Mina is going to be 11 in October.  I try real hard to not  fit into my demography and give into those awful sayings and actions all Moms fall prey too. But really you have no control over it. You think you do don't.....YOU DON'T. 

Just like you had no control giving into that purple dinosaur that makes your child sit still for a good 10-15min (while you do house work of course). Or that red fuzzy monster who (in my husband's opinion) teaches children to speak with a speech impediment.  Or trying to tell them that McDonald's chicken nuggets aren't made with just chicken, so you shouldn't like them.  We have no control. I have no control. And thats ok. 

I will see her Friday evening and she will have so much to tell me. And I will be happy and laugh thinking "Ehh that wasn't so hard" right? So until then sleep tight Mina have fun...........and please sleep on the bottom bunk Mmmmk?                                                                                                                     


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Meatless Monday!

So for the past couple of months we have turned Mondays into meatless Mondays. Its something I look forward to. This last Monday was one of my favorites. With a few ingredient's from Trader Joe's (my food shopping mecca) I was set out to try my new meatless meal.

Another thing that helps me out with my meals on Mondays is my Los Poblanes veggie and fruit boxes.
Organic "mostly local" food that is ready to be picked up on Mondays. With the different varieties of veggies It "forces" me to be creative with my greens. Meatless Mondays are perfect for those of you who love there meat but can appreciate tasty alternatives. 
LPO box 

Thin cut sweet potatos tossed w/ a little olive oil & roasted in the oven are the perfect alternatives to onion straws. 

I've been eyeing these rolls for some time, just needed the right meal to use them in.


This is one of my favorite meatless meals. Soo good. 
Some beautiful strawberries from my LPO and a little left over white chocolate purple melts..........

.......and you've got your self  "purple rain dipped strawberries" (very romantic)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Grandpa Henry would be proud.

My back yard is bursting with 'Roses'! When we bought this house the back yard was what sealed the deal for us. Shade, green grass, honeysuckle, grape vines and ROSES.
Greg and I knew we wouldn't be able to plant or (Keep alive) a new garden. So to be able to move into a house with a "mature" garden was perfect.

This year my yard is so lush..(Sorry Greg for getting all Martha Stewart on you for what I thought was over pruning last fall). Walking out side is so exciting with all its color, coolness and fabulous scents. 

It reminds me of something..... It almost brings me back to my child hood. Back to my southern California summers out side with my Grandpa watching him garden. He LOVED his yard and was so proud of it. Every time we came for our visit there was always something different in the garden. Not just flowers but corn, watermelon and I think I remember a pumpkin or two. My mom came to visit and rushed out side to take photos cause (I like to think) it reminds her of her father :)

I remember a episode of Martha Stewart talking about flower arranging. Do you think Martha would approve......Ugh I don't really care I know Gramps would. 

double stick tape.

Those flowers make my copy of the jungle look a little precious...  don't you think?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rockin' the Casbah

I know I know I already did my birthday post... but this last friday was the "Grown up celebration". I was beyond spoiled and HAVE to share my photos with you. I told Greg later that night with tears in my eyes (cause I'm that dramatic) that this was my favorite birthday so far. So again sorry for dragging on the birthday celebration and please enjoy my photos.
P.S I forgot to take my camera so you will have to endure the agony of looking at "phone photos" and Im not talking iphone fancy.

My last 2 dates have taken place here! Its that good.
Westside view. Im sure it would be better at night but with a baby in the house "we dine with the.happy hour ....elderly crowd.
Me & my date.
First things first.... Drinks: Greg's Navy Grog & my "keepin' it mexican" Silver Coin Margarita. 
Appetizer Malay coconut soup...Greg LOVED this!
Appetizer Yin Yang Shrimp. 

Paul's Pad Thai split for two...huge portions. 

Guys I found my drink! Its called a Pain Killer but no pain needed to enjoy. 
Lucky for us a fine cigar shop right next door...I love the smell of a cigar. 
Went to pick up the kids from Grandma's and family was waiting with gifts & CAKE!  Hello a "flying star carrot cake"!
New purse to make my shoulder Gorgeous.
Cake pedestal to be adorned with sugar goodness.